The Symbols explain me as most people should know but if you don't know what they are or what they mean then i'll tell you. The Bible shows that I believe in GOD and that he is a really big thing in my life. The Treaty Of Waitangi also known as Te Tiriti O Waitangi in te reo Maori is a important thing to me as well its a lot cause im Maori and if that wasn't there most of my ancestors would have died many years ago. PES a.k.a Point England School is another big thing to me what ever I do when I wear these clothes people know what school I go to so if I do something stupid that effects our school. Friendship is also a big part of life to me without my friends that I have now I don't know what I would do they mean a a lot to me they keep me laughing and they always keep me company when im around them.
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