Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The Deadly Wind

At 3:00pm on North Shore Albany there was a unexpected Tornado it destroyed houses,cars,buildings and even trampolines. It was a very tragic moment for the people in Albany, It was even sadder when, a man lost his life he was described as a man in his thirties and a Philippine. I feel sad the man family and for there lost and I hope they can get all the help they need.

People described the Tornado as a huge gust of wind that roared through the city it caused chaos to the people who watched as it tore the roof of pak'n'save and destroyed PlaceMakers.It sounded like a jet-engine descending, cars were uplifted and thrown from one side of the city to the other side. It was like a game of twister but you make a wrong move you don't fall over you DIE.


  1. This is a great detailed description of the events that unfolded on the North Shore. It's unbelievable to think this is an image from NZ.
    Keep up the great crafting of your writing Cruz.

  2. that's a scary tornado because it's braking the houses.


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